As part of our Corporate and Commercial practice, we provide business entity formation services.

Business Formation

In starting a business, the type of business entity chosen will determine how liability is spread among the owners, how taxes are paid, and other important considerations. Our business formation attorneys advise on entity structure to best fit your business goals and needs. Choosing the right type of entity at the beginning will help prevent unnecessary expense and potential legal issues.

Types of Business Entities

At business formation, you will need to choose the entity type and structure that best works with your business goals. The following are the most popular entity types to consider:

  • Sole Proprietorship

  • Partnership (General Partnership or Limited Partnership)

  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)

  • Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)

It’s important to chose the right type of business entity for your business. Each business entity type differs in liability limitation, tax treatment, and governance. So, the entity type should be selected with consideration to your current and future plans and expectations. Additionally, the right structure could protect your personal assets from the liabilities of running a business and offer tax advantages. It can also provide ownership or governance regulation to assist you in attracting and raising capital from outside sources. We have experience in all business entity structures and formations nationwide, as well as assisting with non-profit corporations, joint ventures, trusts, and franchising.

Our business attorneys can assist you in recognizing which entity structure best suits your personal circumstances and objectives as well as how you expect your business to be financed and generate profits. Experience in both corporate and commercial law as well as complimentary experience in Business and Commercial Litigation allow us to advise you on the advantages and disadvantages when it comes to picking a specific business entity structure.

How to Start a Company: Business Formation Tips

Entity formation should start with the advice of an unbiased business attorney with knowledge of entity structures and tax consequences. You will need to pick the jurisdiction best suited for your business goals and entity structure, taking into account annual taxes and other considerations. In addition, filing registrations to do business in each state where you will be physically doing business will be necessary. Our business law attorneys advise on options that best fit your business goals and assist with business planning services.

Business Formation for Start-Ups and Entrepreneurs

Our business formation attorneys work with entrepreneurs to provide unique legal counsel for start-up and emerging enterprises. We offer a transactional practice to assist clients in planning for, forming, and organizing business entities of all types. First, we meet with clients, analyze their specific business needs, and make sure that we advise them in creating the proper business entity that best suits their needs. Second, we create a plan for legal services to accommodate business priorities, goals, and budget. We work closely with our entrepreneur clients in obtaining funding, promotion, and protected in business and their IP rights as they grow.

Other Business Formation Considerations

Related business legal transactions are constantly evolving with administrative regulations and guidelines. These rules can vary depending on the type of entity and jurisdiction you have selected. Our business formation attorneys will keep you up-to-date on federal or state laws. As a result, being informed will assist your business in meeting all legal requirements. As business lawyers, our team will also assist you in creating ownership and governing agreements to facilitate predictable and consistent regulations and guidelines. Such agreements protect owners, directors, managers and officers and support them in fulfilling their professional responsibilities and legal duties. Additionally, we offer corporate governance counseling to help protect your business through use of good policies and procedures.

Business Entity Formation for a Flat Rate Price

Our attorneys offer a Flat Fee option for corporation formation and limited liability company formation. Flat rate pricing helps you budget and prevent unexpected attorneys fees.

Additional Insights Regarding Business Entity Formations

For more information on business entity formation strategy issues, see our Legal Insights and Industry Solutions pages. For more discussion of business entity selection strategy and considerations, see our posts: