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I Choose Trust: A Business Environment of Trust and Empowerment

I’ve been in the workforce and management long enough that I’ve seen a bunch of situations and different kinds of people by now. While the majority of my experiences have been positive, there have been instances where I’ve seen or heard of people in their business environment displaying a lack of integrity or honesty. I could see how it could cause a company to tighten up on policies and procedures to try to ensure they are protected. I can also see how going through or hearing of these situations repeatedly could make someone cynical. Sadly the norm is for employers to not fully trust their employees and to exert a certain amount of control over them to make themselves comfortable. While I understand this may be the path many companies choose, it doesn’t work for me.

I choose empowerment and trust in my business environment. I am lucky to be surrounded by colleagues that are great at their roles and that are empowered to carry things out to their fullest abilities. In my experience, people perform best when they are trusted with autonomy and empowered to make decisions within their role. The majority of the time, the company gets exceptional performance from these empowered individuals and reaps the rewards from their productivity. Occasionally, someone takes advantage of their autonomy and blows the trust that was given to them. As painful as that can be, I consider it a cost of striving for greatness. I’d rather be part of a great company with employees that are trusted with autonomy, than to be mediocre but have control over everything. I choose trust and empowerment.

The Culture Counts blog is a discussion of law firm culture and legal innovation, including topics such as effective leadership, employee engagement, workplace culture, ideal work environment, company core values, and workplace productivity.  

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About the Firm:

Klemchuk LLP is a litigation, intellectual property, transactional, and international business law firm dedicated to protecting innovation. The firm provides tailored legal solutions to industries including software, technology, retail, real estate, consumer goods, ecommerce, telecommunications, restaurant, energy, media, and professional services. The firm focuses on serving mid-market companies seeking long-term, value-added relationships with a law firm. Learn more about experiencing law practiced differently and our local counsel practice.

The firm publishes Intellectual Property Trends (latest developments in IP law), Conversations with Innovators (interviews with thought leaders), Leaders in Law (insights from law leaders), Culture Counts (thoughts on law firm culture and business), and Legal Insights (in-depth analysis of IP, litigation, and transactional law).

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